We offer the most extensive range of delivery options available in distribution today, specializing in home delivery and business-to-business market. Delivery anywhere around the world is just a phone call away. Next day and premium Timed Express delivery services are available throughout the world as well as two and three day options for deliveries that are less time sensitive.
Our MSG GLOBAL LOGISTICS COMPANY is perfect for businesses seeking alternative local delivery options in the B2C arena. Using a base of 2,000 couriers across the world, Emex Swift home delivery services could be right up your street.
120,000 sq ft central sortation warehouse.
Operational capacity 250,000 parcels per night with an average throughput of 150,000 parcels per night.
In excess of 2000 delivery vehicles, 50 Trunking vehicles,3,500 staff committed to providing a comprehensive range of services to the highest service levels.
Four timed delivery options, six days a week to ensure the quickest and most convenient delivery for you and your client. Pre – 9am, 10.30, 12 noon and standard next working day deliveries.
Qualifying customers can have their own Atlantic Swift Courier booking system to print their own bar-coded dispatch labels and manifests for added security and accuracy. We understand that you need to know your consignment has been delivered safely so we provide proof of delivery by either email, telephone, fax, or via our web site.